A review by shelley_pearson
Crewel Yule by Monica Ferris


I picked this up because it's Christmasy, and I liked that it took place in a town that completely shuts down with snow, like my own town was doing while I was reading. But how could I forget my issues with Monica Ferris's ableism? I forgot that in the last book of hers that I read, there was a character with a chronic illness, and everyone felt sooo bad for her husband for having to deal with that. And then this one had a couple of characters in wheelchairs, and the wheelchairs were such issues! All these comments like "well there's obviously no way someone who uses a wheelchair could own a business on their own!" And comments from the disabled characters about people assuming they weren't mentally capable, but does the author do much better?
And then of course one of the wheelchair users was the murderer! Why was I even surprised?