A review by fablesandwren
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: A Stake to the Heart by Fabian Nicieza


This was weird.

The only reason I am giving it any type of star is because it shows the stages of what kids go through when their parents get a divorce. Buffy and Dawn are under some serious stress when their mother and father tell them they are going to "separate," even though it is pretty clear it is going to be a permanent thing.

Angel tries to help by doing a spell to take away Buffy's pain and give it to him instead, but he actually unleashes The Malignancy Demons and makes everything a lot worse.

Buffy still hasn't met Angel or any of the other beloved characters.

Few things you see that will make you go all wide-eye:
01. Wolfram and Hart and their lackey Lilah Morgan
02. Jesse (remember him from season one?) and his weird love for Cordelia Chase
03. Harmony Kendall and Cordelia Chase out shopping, being the mean girls of Sunnydale
04. Xander Harris and Willow Rosenberg having a normal phone conversation
05. Giles getting the job as a librarian
06. Principal Flutie being not hyena food
07. Angelus hating his name and wanting a new one

SO, it was super weird... like the random illustrations that kept popping up. That had nothing to do with the story. BUT I did like the fact they showed the grieving stages of split parents and were realistic about it all.

I'm just ready for Buffy to meet everyone. She's moved to Sunnydale. That's the next step right?
Don't play with my heart.