A review by penguin_emperor_of_the_north
Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman


Norse mythology is insane. After reading for the first two hours I had to go order the Prose Edda and Poetic Edda just so I could confirm if the insanity comes from the Norse or if that's just Neil. Will follow up.

For example, do you know where poetry comes from? Because I do now.
SpoilerOdin stole the mead of poetry from a giant by smuggling it out in his belly and then puking it up. Poetic inspiration comes from drinking the mead. But if it's bad poetry? Then it came out of Odin's butt.
The moral of the story is, never accept a drink from Odin.

And Loki's a jerk. 100% deserved what he got.
SpoilerInvolving his kids was unnecessary though. Forcing one to kill the other and then using his entrails to tie up Loki? Brr, that's cold.

The book was really easy to read too, first time I ever thought of myself as drinking a book. That's how smooth it went down. Style wise, I'd say it was an easy reading level but content wise, definitely not for kids.

And Norse mythology has long been my favorite mythology. Partly because my ancestors are Germanic but more because it seems to have a story arc to it with a definite beginning and end. And Ragnarok's one of the coolest story humankind ever wrote down. I'm really glad that Gaiman wrote this so more people can learn these stories.