A review by jp_priestley
Too Much and Never Enough: How my Family created the most dangerous man by Mary L. Trump


It seems rather apposite that I should have finished reading Mary Trump's book in tandem with the end of her uncle's political career - the latter following in quick succession to the former! Some have been rather uncharitable with their critique of Mary Trump's candid insights into the workings of the mind of Donald Trump and of Trump family dynamics generally, claiming that she has stated nothing new. Well, that might be so for some. However, I frequently found Mary Trump's revelations startling and alarming.

The author appears to have approached her work objectively and truthfully - although there has to be a small degree of subjectivity in her account given her former close family association within the Trump dynasty.

There is undoubtedly much that she must have placed to one side and not included in her book, and perhaps that too will see the light of day in the years to come. What we do have, though, from Mary Trump is ample information to qualify the strap-line on the book's cover - 'How my family created the world's most dangerous man.'

As her bio attests, 'Mary L. Trump holds a PhD from the Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies and has taught graduate courses in trauma, psychopathology and developmental psychology.' In other words, she is a well-qualified academic and professional who knows much about human behaviour. She is well placed to know how and why - left unchecked - Donald J. Trump and his toxic family background led to the world being placed on a knife-edge - a political, social and environmental travesty that will take years to expunge - if ever.