A review by loverofromance
Dreaming of the Wolf by Terry Spear


Jake Silver is a artist, and as the middle brother and a alpha in his own right, knows when a woman is in trouble and when that woman intrigues him and piques the curiosity of his wolf side. When he sees Alicia for the first time, he is fascinated, and follows her into a fancy restaurant, needing to just get a closer look. When she gets into trouble, he comes in to save the day, not realizing that Alicia is on a mission of her own...justice for her mother's death. Alicia adored her mother, and when she started dating a member of the mob, Alicia knew it would only end in heartache, not realizing it would end up in the death of her mother and her boyfriend. Now she knows that they are after her, and now having a job as a bounty hunter, she knows that all she wants is those involved in the murder of her mother, belong behind bars, and she needs to be the one to get them there. But when she meets Jake, and they share some wonderful hours together, he is the one regret she has. She knows that they can't ever have a future, even though he has made believe that there is good in this world still. Then Jake finds her again, and refuses to let her run away, and convinces her to stay by his side as his mate, and fight for a future together...

Dreaming Of The Wolf is a book I have been waiting to read. After reading the first book, and recently I just read the third book of the other two brothers, I was super excited when I saw this one just sitting on the library shelf waiting for me to read it! :) For the past few years I have become addicted To Terry Spear to her wolf shifter series to her Jaguar books. But I will say that having this series with these three brothers just might be my favorite part of this series. All three brothers are triplets, (their poor mama), and so when they find their mates, they will have triplets of their own. When I read the first Book-Darien who is alpha of the Silver pack, I was hooked. His book was one of the first books I read from this author, and oh boy did I love that alpha. So after all this time I couldn't wait to get my claws into Dreaming Of The Wolf. Another theme from these three books, is that each of these brothers will find their mates through dream mating.

Now in the beginning of the story there isn't any dream mating between Jake and Alicia, because at first Alicia isn't a wolf...yet. Through a turn of events she does get turned (but I refuse to divulge that secret...you will just have to read this one to figure it out) and then they start dream mating. This is the period where they become separated for a period of time. When danger looms closer to Alicia, she somehow finds herself traveling towards her mate...Jake without even fully realizing it. Her wolf is leading her there. Alicia handles being a wolf shifter pretty well, and some of the circumstances where she feels the urge to shift are pretty comical. I love how creative the author gets with those scenes.

It was also fun seeing the involvement of the other members of the pack in this installment. Its always fun to see Darien and Lelandi, and of course good ole' Sam. There is also quite a high level of drama and suspense and mystery. I love solving a good mystery, so when the author mixes that in with the plot, well I am even more hooked in the story. I just couldn't get enough of this book, and I just didn't want it to end...but then I did...I wanted to see how Alicia and Jake get their HEA. The heat in the story is pretty sexy and HOT!! Not enough to get burned, but just enough to satisfy any romantic reader. Their connection is pretty fierce from the beginning, and they definitely have some heated scenes that really will put tingles down your spine and curl your toes. There was such unique dynamics that were played out in the story that leaves the reader feeling breathless and satisfied by the end!! Get ready for a story that keep you wolfing for more!! AN ENGAGING WILD RIDE!!