A review by geo_ix
The Studying Hours by Sara Ney


2.5 stars.

For me this book was average. I nearly liked it, but I couldn’t get over how much of a douchebag he was in the beginning. I didn’t like the start of the book, he did slightly grow on me when he stopped being so much of a wank.

It was definitely better than an OK read for me, but I honestly don’t know if I can say I liked it. I liked parts of it, but a lot of things got on my nerves too.

Also, still annoyed at the two times he messaged her it was half a message, and the first time he said it was because his phone went flat and the second time he sends it unfinished and she asks if he did it because his phone went flat again? That’s not even how messaging works. It doesn’t send half a message as it turns off, this isn’t a phone call where the conversation ends because the phone cuts out. Text messages don’t work that way and for some reason, because it happened twice it really stuck with me and annoyed me even more than it should have.

Also, next book is Zeke, how the FUCK am I meant to ever like him?