A review by laurengiac02
The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11 by Garrett M. Graff


This book was hard to read in a good way. If you were alive at the time, you can probably picture where you were (freshman studies class) and what you were doing (listening to Mr. Hartwig discuss science things). Then we all rushed across the hall to the combined LA and SS room, and the tv’s were on. Some students called their aunts in NY or called parents who were traveling.

This book recounted SO many of the people who survived reactions, thoughts, memories…. So many transcripts of the conversations and calls between the flight attendant on the aircraft that was going to crash. I cannot imagine listening to this audiobook because reading it made me feel so sad all over again.

The research that had to have gone into this book is monumental. It recollected so many different view points and the president and the attack on DC and so many aspects of the minute by minute decisions that were laid out. A day no one could ever forget but this book did a great job of putting it all together. A long, but powerful read.