A review by cheyconic
Loathe to Love You by Ali Hazelwood


[b:Loathe to Love You|59054191|Loathe to Love You (The STEMinist Novellas, #1-3)|Ali Hazelwood|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1672774685l/59054191._SY75_.jpg|93113185]

[a:Ali Hazelwood|21098177|Ali Hazelwood|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1611084228p2/21098177.jpg] is one of the authors who turned me into a romance lover. I love the absolute wittiness and comedy that is her writing style. As far as romance goes, I truly think she is a Jane Austen of our time.

[b:Under One Roof|59651557|Under One Roof (The STEMinist Novellas, #1)|Ali Hazelwood|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1637311353l/59651557._SY75_.jpg|93935907]

Man, even just with the prologue I RESONATED with Mara. I had developed a huge crush on my (now husband) when we were “just friends”. Her internal struggle and frustration with her heart hit a little (very) close to home.

When I look at him, all I can see are the creamer-less cups of coffee I’ve had every day since the day I moved in.

Enemies to lovers is obviously the superior romance trope, second solely to only one bed. Liam and Mara start chipping away at the metaphorical barrier between them, my heart started warming, slowly, gently, magically.

And when he spins me around the room, one single, perfect whirl of pure happiness, that’s when I realize it. How incredibly, utterly gone for this man I am. It’s been there for weeks. Months. Whispering in my ear, creeping at me, hitting me in the face like a train on an iron track.

Once again, Mara’s internal struggles are relatable af. Our girl is out here, living her best life, and suddenly realizes that this person is really truly important to her. Jane Austen would be proud.

And the smut my GOD the smut in this book is *chef’s kiss*. Ali’s books do a fantastic job of quality over quantity. This is what smut should read like– earth shattering. Not distract from the story.

Overall this story had me grinning from ear to ear. I did expect us to find a long lost note from Helena saying she set them up, but it was still perfect without it.


[b:Stuck with You|59651555|Stuck with You (The STEMinist Novellas, #2)|Ali Hazelwood|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1658764223l/59651555._SY75_.jpg|93935905]

It’s 10:45 on a Friday night. And for the third time in less than ten minutes, my world crashes to an end.

This novella bounces back and forth between the past, the brooding awkward budding relationship between
Corporate Thor Erik Nowak and Sadie, superduperstitious Italian green engineer, and the present, where the aforementioned two are trapped on an elevator in a building wide power outage.
I do, truly, earnestly love forced proximity problem solving. And for the sake of forced proximity problem solving, I will allow the miscommunication trope to slide this one, single time.


[b:Below Zero|59651553|Below Zero (The STEMinist Novellas, #3)|Ali Hazelwood|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1637311357l/59651553._SY75_.jpg|93935903]

Caring what others think is a lot of work, and – with a handful of exceptions– I’m not a fan of work.

I ardently love Hannah so much. As a fellow RBF queen, I feel this. I’m also in love with the angst set up we have right from the get go– being trapped and your brooding rival comes to save you? ✨bless ✨.
Watching Hannah flirt with the ever clueless Ian is magical. The aftermath is even more so.

Okay. This is no first kiss. This is a fucking masterpiece.

I live for angst. It is my absolute favorite. And this book has it in aces. I loved the mutual infatuation, and the absolute heroism in this book. The epilogue is my favorite of the three.
The following day, our kiss is on the front of the New York Times.


Bonus Chapter
I absolutely adored this little bonus chapter insight to the boys :™:. It includes all of my favorite things in romance stories and I’m obsessed.