A review by casparb
Garbage, by A. R. Ammons

unexpectedly one of my best reads of the month I love ammons this is a collection bursting with everything some beautiful meditations on writing a poem itself - a continuous sequence of couplets in however many sections and amazing -

…if death is so persuasive, can't life be: it is
fashionable now to mean nothing, not to exist,

because meaning doesn't hold, and we do not exist
forever; this is forever, we are now in it: our

eyes see through the round time of nearly all
of being, our minds reach out and in ten billion

years: we are in so much forever, we pay it no
mind, we'd rather think of today's shopping or

next week's day off: but we will not be in
forever forever, that is the dropout: is it

too much to be in forever a while: dead we are
out of time and forever, both: I want to get

around to where I can say I'm glad I was here,
even if I must go…

an ecopoetics or rather, more precisely, a wonderful installment in waste theory, which perhaps is a branch (or root) of the eco but I think in some ways more interesting or pertinent than the overriding. : celestial /garbage is so far the highest evidence of our /existence here ... we must undergo the sacrifice /of noticing that life has been spent into our life...

I love this stuff he's a remarkable poet and I'm excited to read more. a must