A review by daredeviling
Unwind, by Neal Shusterman


3.5/4 stars.

Although this book had a slow start and I wasn't really into it for the first half (hence the 3.5 rating), by the end of the book, it picked up and became much more exciting. Or maybe not picked up because it wasn't slow per se, but I actually started caring about the characters more, whereas I didn't so much at first. I did like that this was a very original idea and world, and in a world over saturated by YA dystopia, this was something I hadn't seen before even though it has the elements of every other YA dystopia out there.

This story also brought up really great talking and discussion morality points, which I always really like thinking about, and it didn't try and necessarily preach one side over the other. And the last scene with the Admiral was really bittersweet and I liked that a lot.

Originally I wasn't going to read the sequels because I just didn't care enough to, but now I think I'll come back to this series after I read a few other books.