A review by tartbarbie
Matt Archer: Monster Hunter by Kendra C. Highley


Matt Archer is a typical teenager he hangs out with his best friend Will, has a crush on the beautiful girl in school, and finds it all kind of blah. Matt goes camping with his uncle Mike his mom's brother on a typical weekend camping trip. While on the camping trip Matt has to save his uncle from a strange creature using his uncle's knife. Matt's uncle tells him the story how he the story he about how he learned that there are monsters, and how he happened to have the knife.

Matt learns that the knife is magical picks the one who shall wield its power and Matt just happens to be that guy. His uncle plans a trip before he deploys to have Matt go through monster basic training so he's better prepared to wield the knife. After a long weekend at basic training Matt returns home to start his journey of hunting monsters in his own backyard. His uncle is going to deploy but he wants Matt to have a partner before he leaves. Matt's best friend Will stumbles across them hunting one night and fits the bill perfect as a partner for Matt, since he knows he can trust Will. While Mike heads off for Afghanistan, Matt, and Will continue to hunt down the strange creatures, tracking their patters to see if they are getting smarter which they are. They also are seeing several female creatures which aren’t common, and the rise of monsters happens to have something to do with the lunar eclipse.

I received Matt Archer: Monster Hunter as part of a blog tour at YA Bound in return for a honest review. I totally loved Matt he reminds a lot of a guy next door type. The author does a great job creating a character that anyone can relate to, and someone you can root for when things get tough. I really like that family is so important in this story, and it's not your typical two parent family. I love the concept of the monsters it's unique from typical monster books, and I really liked that aspect. It's a fast paced adventure that draws you in right from the start not letting go till the end. I had a hard time putting it down I wanted to read it all in one sitting but I had to make dinner but when it was over I came back to finish. I can't wait to read the next one in the series and read more about Matt's adventures.