A review by krfanthony
Zojaqan: The Complete Series by Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing


Date Reviewed:
17 September 2018
This Review was first posted on Keep Reading Forward. If you want to see more, check out our other locations as well as here.

ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Out of all the graphic novels and comics I have read, Zojaqan was the most plot and detail driven story. The cover and the synopsis were what captured by attention and what made me decide to give the comic a try. At first, I thought it was interesting. As I made progress through the pages, there was one thought I couldn’t get rid of. It was more of a question of the form of “how?”

The main character, Shannon Kind, somehow vanishes from our world to this other world where time always randomly pushes her into the future. As I continued the story, I never got the bit of information of what happened and how she vanished. I can understand that vanishing into thin air can be explanation, but I think I just need more facts or something to have a better understanding.

As for the story, it felt like a creation story or something similar to like that. I rather liked the topic of the story and the progression, but the story itself was confusing to me. Although time kept skipping, the story did as well. I just couldn’t keep track of what was going on and things just did not make sense at all.

I can’t say much for the illustrations. They were good enough to look at, but I’m not sure if it was the best style for the comic as well. It definitely provided a good visual, but I am not sure how the story and the style went together. I am just assuming that this thought is probably just a personal opinion. At the end, I guess I just have to say that this was just did not work out for me.