A review by bluenicorn
Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins


I read this book almost ten years ago and gave it one star. My summary wasn't very kind, either. So after someone else posted a comment recently that... well, wasn't very kind, either, I re-read the title. It was just fine- an exciting fantasy for younger readers. Solid three stars. So it made me wonder...

I read through alot of my one star book summaries, and I found reviews that made me cringe. They weren't all nice, and they weren't all helpful. I think it's good for us to remember that while books don't change, we, as readers do. I plan to do some revisions on past reviews- because what better time has there ever been to realize that we can disagree on things, but being able to do so civilly and with respect is what keeps us human. I hope I have never offended someone with a negative review, but I fear I have. I hope to do less of that in the future.