A review by javalenciaph
Let There Be Light by A.M. Johnson


Note: An ARC was provided by the author. The full review can be read on Dog-Eared Daydreams.

Royal and Camden. Camden and Royal. GAH!!! There was simply no way I could not be as emotionally invested as I was. These two seemed liked such opposites, but I think that's what made them fit so perfectly with each other--like slotting into those spaces that would make the other whole. And then there was Indie who may have her own issues to deal with but there's no denying how much she loved her brother, and the same goes for the rest of the O'Connell clan who I loved seeing again in this book. Let's not forget Kai Carter, Camden's roommate and Royal's team captain and closest friend. I'm sensing a whole lot of angst for both him and Indie in book two, and I'm already getting antsy for it. If I haven't said this before in my past reviews for A.M. Johnson's books, this woman's gift for writing--whether it be fiction or poetry--appears to have no bounds. There's a lyrical--pun intended--nature to her writing that I live for, and I love that her stories are angsty yet injected with lighthearted moments. Case in point: Let There Be Light, one of the most unforgettable and stellar books of this year. Five-plus stars times infinity. ♥