A review by venerablemonster
The Boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya by Nagaru Tanigawa


A good comeback from the endless rambling of Koizumi in The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya. This time, we get just the right amount of rambling. In addition, we get three fun stories.

First off the baseball tournament. Short and sweet. It goes pretty much as one would expect, but it's a fun lighthearted story that was a nice hook for the volume.

Then we have Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody. This is a moment from the anime that I remember really liking, even though after ten years or so, my memories of watching it is a bit faded. As with many of Haruhi's shenanigans, we learn even moreso how she's been inspired by Kyon. For better or worse.

The final portion of the volume, is the extended murder mystery. I'll admit, I could not recall the ending of it until late in the story. Even though to the most casual observer, it'd be quite obvious.

All in all, a good step up from volume two. Looking forward to the next.