A review by kaitlin_durante
Waiting On Forever by E.M. Lindsey


[I received a digital arc for an honest review]

Waiting on Forever is the second book in the E.M. Lindsey series the Carnal Tower. Jet embodies Sloth at the Tower but longs for some normalcy that his lifestyle and disability keep at arm's length. He finds himself drawn to the mall where he can just exist. He doesn’t expect to be approached by the mall’s resident family photographer looking for a favor. Taylor never expected the beautiful man at the pretzel stand to give him the time of day let alone keep showing up and being interested in him. Jet finds an instant connection with Taylor that he’s rarely felt and hopes more can happen between but is Taylor willing to put his past behind him and accept Jet, lifestyle and all.

Jet has been dealing with judgment and dismissal since childhood when his parents decided his disability was easier to handle from a distance. He only trusts his fellow sins at the Tower and only goes to the mall to get away from the heavy weight of being Sloth. He never expects to find friendship not only with Taylor but with Maya. Both immediately don’t treat him with kid gloves and appreciate him as a person not a sin. Taylor is a breath of fresh air and he just wants to be around him as much as possible. Jet understands that his occupation is more than most men could handle but hopes that Taylor is able to look beyond it because their connection is so special.

This man was all Jet. There wasn’t a hint of his Sin in the room with them. And that was precious, Taylor knew. That was something Jet didn’t share with anyone else.

Taylor doesn’t see himself as anymore more than an average guy who can’t seem to manage a relationship. He is still burned by his past relationship ending in cheating without remorse and struggles to not relate that to his worth as a partner. Jet immediately blows him away with his beautiful appearance and falls even faster for the sweetness he shows to strangers. Taylor knows he wants to be with Jet in every way possible but knows that his lifestyle as Sloth will be difficult at times. Once he’s able to see all sides of Jet, he knows even more that he’s worth every struggle they may endure.

“That way I could lie down on top of you and stay there and claim you.”
“I’m a big fan of that idea,” Taylor said, his voice going soft again. He stroked his fingers down the back of Jet’s neck making him want to purr like a cat.
“I’m already yours.”

Waiting on Forever is an emotionally heavy read where two men try to decide if they can put away their baggage and move forward towards a future together. Both Jet and Taylor find a friend is Maya, an employee at the pretzel stand who isn’t afraid to call them out and meddle when the two men need a push towards each other. The other sins recognize Jet’s longing for a romantic partner who can handle him and encourage him to try with Taylor. Disability is handled tastefully as E.M. Lindsey always does. Also the understanding that the Tower is not always about sexual pleasure but can also be an outlet for expressing needs that may not be understood by society. I continue to look forward to seeing the sins meet their matches.

4 stars for Jet and Taylor finding forever together.