A review by scarecrow2013
The Gates by John Connolly


I've been looking at this book the past few times I've been to the library. I'm glad I finally decided to read it. It's full of humor, science, demons, and magic. It made me laugh, and just I was overall happy to have given this book a read.

Samuel has witnessed something in his neighbors basement. Somthing disturbing. Demons are planning to open the gates of Hell and let the great evil into our world conquer and take over. What's a kid to do? None of the adults believe him, and demons are threatening his life! He's going to save the world, of course. With help.

My favorite character is definitely Nurd and just how he changes through the book. Everyone learns about themselves and that children aren't just telling things to get attention. They can be telling the truth sometimes. You just need to listen.