A review by readsbynush
An Extravagant Duplicity by Lynn Messina


*This review is based on a complementary ARC received from NetGalley*

I have to start by saying i am completely new to this author, and did not even realize this was a part of a (long) series until i had started reading, so my review may be colored by my unawareness. That said, here goes!

This is not a book to be binged. It is not a book where you start reading as a nightcap and then stay awake past your bedtime to cram it in. No, this is a book that has to be read slowly - and savored - because every sentence in this book is pure gold and worthy of full concentration. Obviously, it is hilarious, and enjoyable and so, so fun!

I grew up reading mystery books but have veered away from the genre for a while. This book reminded me just how much I adore typical whodunits. This book has all the best parts of a mystery book, mixed in with my current favorite - historical romance plus a little of the all-time favorite- humor! And just when I was beginning to think the book is solely light-hearted fun, there is a touch of angst, which serves to give an added depth to both characters and plot. Very nicely done!
Bea is an amazing character, and sometimes the duke felt very insipid next to her (this may be a consequence of my not having read the previous books).
My only little issue was that at places, it started feeling a little too repetitive. Otherwise, in terms of plot, humor, prose, characters - it is top-notch!! Most importantly, I seem to have found a new series and new author to love, and I am very excited to read some other books by Lynn Messina!

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publishers for this book!