A review by koops333
The HighFire Crown by J.T. Lawrence, M.J. Kraus



This book kind of felt like a runaway train.
There was a constant go, go, go franticness to the story that left me a little exhausted. I felt like we never got a break, and just kept jumping from one crazy moment to the next with out any breathing room to get into the overall story - let alone much actual character development.


We’re barely introduced to the heroine, we keep learning new facets to her powers, we keep getting introduced to new tech, and creatures, and the world building is a little muddled. It wasn't until we were specifically told that the supernatural world was meant to be hidden that I realized that humans didn't really know what was going on – Also, there were so many supernatural species constantly popping up that a lot of things just felt like they were given to us in info dumps.

The h is meant to be a wizard vampire hunter but we have 4 or so cases she's dragged into going on at once, and when the twins called her all I could think was Jesus another one??
Spoiler even though they were all connected
I kept wondering why everyone was asking for her help in particular because I don't think she considered herself to be a detective- at least it wasn't stated she was?


Plus-There was an attempted rape scene that is brushed off rather quickly, and the romance with the random stalker guy was a little strange and rushed- so yeah I don't think this one was for me