A review by daximus
Decreation: Poetry, Essays, Opera by Anne Carson


Anne Carson's mastery of poetry is only equaled by her mastery of essays, and the only competitor to either of those is her mastery of the classics. She educates as she entertains, and does something thought by many to be impossible; she writes an essay that is at the same time exactly as enjoyable as it is informative. Her screenplays are as poetic as those of Moliere and Shakespeare, and, in my humble opinion, infinitely more interesting. My heart simply would not remain in my breast upon reading the "Got started" during the monologue of Hephaestus, and the Latin student in me rejoiced upon the dialogue between Marguerite Porete and the church officials.

If I do not speak out of turn, I would think it no exaggeration to say that Anne Carson is quite possibly the best living poet, and among the truest of the neo-classical poets to ever grace this bare black earth with their mastery of the written word. My only wish is that she continue living and writing for as long as possible, for I fear Gaia herself will weep when Ms.Carson's time in this mortal coil has passed, and we are again left to the dark scribbles and ramblings of all those who unjustly claim the title "poet".