A review by hooksbookswanderlust
Dark Witch by Nora Roberts


I finally got around to reading this, and I'm happy to say that I was not disappointed. While the most recent stand alone novels released by Roberts have been questionable and disappointing at best, her trilogies have stayed true to her typical style. Is this new series a new concept for Roberts? No, she's worked plenty of magic into other trilogies and even featured some witches and Wiccan practice. But the characters are likable and the story was interesting enough to keep me reading. My only question is how the three witches that make up the Dark Witch manage to include non-witches into their circle. bran a comes right out and says hat the six of them are a circle. And while the presence of Fin is acceptable, I don't get why Meara and Boyle (horrible male lead name btw ugh) were included. Sure I get that they'd all been friends since they were in nappies together but I have a hard time believing that they'd say "hey sure lets go get this big bad sorcerer with incredible powers to smite me and I'll just use my fist (or more random yet in meara's case her sword) and you can just buy me a pint later at the pub." I mean, as Boyle becomes involved with Iona, I can see him wanting to be a part of it, but it seems like he had already committed before she came along. And what about Meara? Who practices broadsword? Fencing sure, they are in Europe after all. But broadsword? And it would also make sense for her to be there if she had feelings for Connor, but so far as we are allowed to see, those feelings are platonic. Other than that though, this followed a pretty typical Nora Roberts formula, which made me happy. And while some reviewers I read didn't care for or connect with Boyle (again hat name bah), I actually did. I happen to know a few strong silent type men like him. So he was relatable for me. All in all, I liked it.