A review by skyfox24kd
Malice by Jennifer Jaynes


This is a good story with most of it revolving around an immunoceutical; a vaccine or preventative type drug for children. I can see this happening. This was a sad story and it feels like it should and might be a series? I guess I will have to keep watch. I’m going to do research and check. This does not make me trust doctors and pediatricians. Oh well, I double check things myself anyway. Doctors are human too. I don’t even agree with some of my pets’ vaccinations.
This book really makes you think: how much DO the doctors know and which ones care; and how much of it are they told to leave out? How much of these new meds are a bonus payday ? Shudder. Very informative and thought provoking. It also shows how alcoholism can destroy a bright future.