A review by monicarobotin
Becoming Duchess Goldblatt by Duchess Goldblatt



Audio version: I didn't like this book AT ALL! I  couldn't wait to finish it. It was all over the place, zig-zag ideas thrown everywhere, with no beginning and no continuity. I really cannot understand the high praises it got. I started this book knowing nothing about "the duchess", but I was so excited because of all the accolades it received. And, boy, was I disappointed! The woman behind this fictional character duchess is one of the most annoying human beings, entitled and suffering from the persecution mania, thinking everyone is against her, everybody is there to get her. Her suffering is deeper than anybody else's, her bond with her son stronger than anyone else's, her husband, who left her, was the only one on the planet that didn't find a girlfriend prior to the divorce. She really believes she's superior to the entire human race, being smarter, stronger, harder worker and more capable than any other human being. She's the only one at her job completing a project in 63 hours when it should take 450 hours, she's the only one praised by her father's favorite writer... and I could go on and on and on. She's surprised her husband family is not on HER side when they divorce, she is the only one liked by the obnoxious uncle... OMG! In the mean time, she is snapping at her new neighbors, feeling entitled to be protected by them "because she's single in her house and with a small child ", she's so insufferable that she doesn't even know what's her best friend's job or her dog's name, but then she's surprised she cannot make friends! Please! And then she's thrashing her mentally unstable brother and makes herself look like the victim! 
And that duchess that brings "love" to her supporters is just a fictional character suffering from megalomania and thinking is superior and deserves just the best and the most in life. Entitled just like the person who created her! 
I didn't like anything about this book, including the main narrator who sounded annoyed throughout the entire book! 
I will never read this book again, nor will I ever recommend it to anyone! On the contrary!