A review by awesomejen2
A Crown for Cold Silver by Alex Marshall


Extremely disappointing. I won't rehash the synopsis here since anyone can just read the summary for themselves but I will say what was promised in the synopsis was not what was delivered in the story. I was expecting a retired old warrior queen turned peasant to experince a moving personal tragedy that would propel her to come out of retirement and seek revenge. She would bust out the old sword and armor from some hidden chest and get her old band of warriors back together (kind of a la RED but in a fantasy world) and go out there seeking vengance and kick some butt. That did not happen at all. The main issues I had were 1) Too many new characters introduced too fast 2) Too may different places introduced too fast and no map to help you 3)some chapters were just way too slow 4) too much POV shifting 5) any time a weapon is mentioned it was swords, axes, knives etc but then completely out of the blue a character suddenly has a pistol, can you have guns and swords in the same world? Yes that's fine but you have to stablish what level of technology the world has at the beginning of the book or else it's completely jarring to the reader 6) everyone that was supposed to be a badass spent most of their time declaring they were a badass warrior without actually doing anything badass, this was the biggest of the disappointments.