A review by acozybooknerd
Nothing Left to Burn by Patty Blount


Being a fan of Patty Blount already, I was pretty excited for this book and was geeked to get it off Netgalley early! Nothing Left to Burn was a pretty good read that kept me going, turning pages but didn’t fully knock it out of the book park for me. With that being said I would rate it at about 3.5 but rounded to a 4 for star rating. I went with that because of a few reasons that I will list below!

*I didn't really connect with the characters very well, granted I really enjoyed Reece as a character and he was written very well, I just didn’t feel a connection with him. I didn’t care much for Amanda as a character overall, I honestly wish the book would’ve just centered full around him and not switched POV between Reece and Amanda, hers just didn’t seem to benefit the story in any way. It wasn't enough to deter my love for the overall story though.

*It started out slowly for awhile and you honestly learned more about being a firefighter then anything! (mad props to those men and women!), normally I don't like that and put the book down for another time but her writing was so good that it still drew me in and kept me reading till the end and I was happy I stuck it out. About half way through the book was when I really got sucked it and didn’t put it down tell I was finished.

*The overall writing and end result in the story was a winner for me! Following Reece through his struggle to have acceptance from his father after his brother’s death was so heartbreaking, it was nice watching him grow as a person finding himself and where he belonged in the end. It also had a bit of a love story in there and a hint of mystery added in there for a surprise!

*I love the cover, I get that the cover is supposed to be Amanda, but really Reece is I think the main target of the book as well as firefighting. So I think some of you may be mislead there as I was.

Overall thinking there was a handful of both dislikes and likes for this story but I still found this to be a good read.

**I received an eARC from Netgalley for an honest review, thank you**