A review by kellyhager
Unforgettable by Loretta Ellsworth


Baxter can't forget anything. No, really. Ask him what he did on March 3, 2004, and he can tell you. It doesn't make him popular, but it makes getting good grades pretty easy. But things aren't great. He and his mom just moved to Minnesota, because he had to testify against her ex-boyfriend. (Said ex-boyfriend, Dink, had a credit card theft ring going. And you know what's really helpful in those rings? Someone who can remember things...like, say, credit card numbers.) So yeah, he's in Minnesota...and it's not really an accident that they're there. The girl he had a crush on when he was little just so happens to live in that town...

I really enjoyed this book. It's hard not to love Baxter, and the concept is very unique. I also loved Halle (the girl he had a crush on). Because of that crush, Baxter gets involved in the school's environmental club, which was the subplot I liked best. The town where they live has a high rate of mesothelioma (cancer caused by asbestos) and it's believed to be linked to the mine that employs pretty much everyone in town, one way or another. It causes a huge conflict of interest, because if the mine were to close, the town would die. But thanks to the mine, the cancer rate is huge in the town, so odds are the town will die anyway.

I wish this book were longer, because parts of it (everything with Dink, really) felt rushed, and I would've liked to see more of Halle and Baxter.

Still, this is a really sweet, fun story and I hope there will be a sequel.