A review by kathis_wonderland
Dream a Little Christmas Dream by Giovanna Fletcher


[b:Dream a Little Christmas Dream|25242192|Dream a Little Christmas Dream|Giovanna Fletcher|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1444569480s/25242192.jpg|45982730] by [a:Giovanna Fletcher|6437940|Giovanna Fletcher|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1372683749p2/6437940.jpg] is a cute little spin off of [b:Dream a Little Dream|24288418|Dream a Little Dream|Giovanna Fletcher|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1420369533s/24288418.jpg|43869449]. The sweet story only last for about 70 pages so it is not a long story.

It was nice to hear from all the characters again and now know what they are up to in the future! The book spread romantic everywhere. It was cute and lovely to read. It also brought festive cheer to me and now I am even more excited for Christmas! Right now is the perfect time to read such a book!