A review by bibliochemist
Carry on: A Story of Resilience, Redemption, and an Unlikely Family by Lisa Fenn



~a book that will surely make you cry~

Lisa Fenn, a reporter for ESPN, recounts a story that turned her life on its head, all starting from hearing about two teenage boys on a high school wrestling team in inner city Cleveland - one of whom was legally blind, and one of whom had no legs from a terrible childhood train accident.

I think what I loved most about this story was the depth of sacrifice and the even greater depth of love on full display. There were so many moments that couldn’t be tied up with a pretty bow, or fixed simply by throwing money at the situation. The dedication here is unreal, and I think I welled up with tears half a dozen times.

A favorite quote from the end:
“There was once a time I believed that blessings were things we possessed —stable jobs, good health, promising opportunities. I believed these were Heaven’s rewards for living well. But now I understand that a blessing has less to do with what we have and everything to do with what we are able to give. I understand that blessings come from being part of a redemptive journey here on earth and allowing God to work out the injustices through us. Blessings come when we walk alongside another to pick up the broken pieces and together restore the beauty.”