A review by christinasbookcorner
Broken Bonds by J. Bree



March 30-April 2 

After the death of my mother and her Bonded, I was relieved to find my own Bonds.
I was sure everything would be okay if I had them.
It wasn’t.
The fate of our people is in my hands and I know we’re better off if I’m alone.
After five years on the run, I’m caught and dragged back to face the men I ran away from.
I thought I was doing the right thing.
Now, I’m not so sure.
North, Nox, Gryphon, Atlas, and Gabe may never forgive me but one thing is for sure.
I won’t ever forgive myself.

*Broken Bonds is a full length reverse harem PNR novel with material that may be difficult for some readers. This book will end on a cliffhanger. It's recommended for 18+ due to language and sexual situations.

Review : This book was so good I could not stop reading . This is about oli she lives in a world with Bonds and gifted she's been on the run for 5 years but they've found her and now she back with her bonds and they hate her . She didn't run away just for fun she had a reason  . But now she's at college with all her bonds . Oli makes a friend sage who might have a worse bond than oli does . I love sage and oli friendship I also love oli brother and his friend Felix who likes sage . The resistance has been taking gifted oli is keeping her gift to herself.  Gabe and her sort of start a friendship.  Then we find out she has another bond but he's across the country but he's coming to as soon as he can.oli is in this TT training class to get stronger at self defense.  Atlas finally comes . North has a crazy power trip . I hate nox . Gryphon is so sweet when oli was on her period he used his gift to help her cramps . The resistance comes and oli finally uses her gift I loved this book can't wait to read the next one .

Quotes :
Better to be hated and alive, better to be in pain than a murderer, better to be alone and safe.

think we should meet here first. The name is Atlas Bassinger, and I live on the other side of the country. I’m finishing out the semester and then coming to you, my college wouldn’t let me transfer mid-unit, otherwise I’d be there now. Hope you can understand that.

I don’t give a fuck about their opinions on my Bond. I spoke to them when my bloodwork came back and they told me you ran. I’m not a dumbass like the rest of them, you ran because you had to. I know it. I’ll be there as soon as I can and if that isn’t fast enough for you, I’ll come now and start the semester over again.

Sage cuts in. “If you start shit with my brother, Gabe, I will burn down everything you love. Your bike, your football stadium, your dick… everything.”

bra, I make a show of bending over to dig my workout tank out of my bag. He makes a strangled noise and then stops breathing. I have to swallow the gloating cheer that works its way up my throat and when I pull the tank over my head, I arch my back a little more than necessary, my tits looking perkier than usual. “That’s just fucking mean. I’m here to help you and you’re the one that took sex off of the table,” Gabe chokes out, grabbing his water bottle and stalking over to one of the weight machines. I snicker out a laugh,

The photo Atlas sent me of himself did not do him justice at all. I am stunned as I stand there and take him in. Tall, dark, and handsome. I check to make sure I'm not drooling at the freaking sight of him towering over me. He fills the entire door frame, his shoulders wide and defined in the tight tee he's wearing. Hot-freaking-damn! His arms are covered in tattoos that creep up his neck to tuck under his chin and my eyes follow them up obediently. It's only when I get to his face that I see the cheeky grin plastered across there at my swooning and I blush