A review by decafplease
Changeless by Gail Carriger


First I have to say the writing overall is visibly more smooth and coherent than that of the first. Thank goodness. In Soulless there is a lot of awkward similes and humourless wit which just make me feel sorry for Carriger for trying so hard but failing at it. Here she's gotten more refined to the degree that even Lucy appears to be a lovable character whereas in the first she is just plain absurd.

In spite of the great difference in temperament and the types of men that we would appreciate and prefer...(and the height thing) between us, Alexia is a character that I have embraced. I sympathise with her fully on the matter of sibling difficulties and ridiculous friends. (Warning: elitist moment) I suspect they're curses that many people today labor under for there are too many persons of incomparable ridiculousness in this world spreading their plague--stupidity.

Oh, one more thing...I'm still not liking the cover. It reminds me too much of Marie Antoinette the movie which I have rather poor opinions of.

Ok. Really. Last thing I mention about Changeless: I loooove how much time Carriger spends on talking about Victorian fashion! The travelwear descriptions combined with Victorian sensibilities and decorum are very amusing indeed.