A review by slc333
Alien Tango by Gini Koch


I am going to go with 3.5 stars as I keep fluctuating between 3 and 4.

4 because it is very entertaining and funny. I love the name Kitty chooses for the speedy alligator and I love her smackdown of Jeff's family.

3 stars because I just don't understand why she picked jealous, possessive control freak Jeff. If my daughter dated someone like that I would be VERY concerned. Especially the way he doesn't even want her talking to her best friend whom she has been friends with since she was 14 just because he is a guy - (note he hates her talking to him long before he finds out he wants to marry her). That is the sort of behavior abusers start off with - isolating their partner from friends, jealous rages if they talk to other men - its scary not romantic.