A review by hmalmal
The Gathering Dark by Christine Johnson


Oh boy.

I'm not really sure how to rate this one, so I'll go through the main points.

1) Length. The Gathering Dark is a pretty long book and it felt like a long book. But not only that, the author took forever to set the book up. I was more than half way through with the book, before I got any kind of clue as to why so many weird things were happening.
2) Love/Romance. It was iffy. In the beginning, the main character's love interest is kind of a stalker. And he ALWAYS talks about how pretty Keira is, or how amazing she is, or just how she can do no wrong. Which is kind of unrealistic.
3) The plot/ Storyline. Very interesting topic. Definitely isn't a book out there with a similar storyline.
4) The Characters. The main character is obsessed with piano for reasons that are kind of explained later, but it's kind of annoying/weird how often she says she needs to practice. Keira's dad is almost never present.
5) Details (the good and the bad). Even though this was a long-ish book, I was pleasantly surprised to not have to read about every outfit the main character put on. But, I wish there had been a tad more detail on Darkside.