A review by megganjoy
What a Plant Knows: A Field Guide to the Senses by Daniel Chamovitz


As I always am, I was prepared to feel overwhelmed and run to my thesaurus to understand a book written by a working scientist, as this is often the case for me.

Instead, I was pleasantly surprised by the familiarity and friendly tone the author took; his enthusiasm was contagious while the content was still new and challenging to me.

I took the Coursera course [a:Daniel Chamovitz|5369454|Daniel Chamovitz|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1440546356p2/5369454.jpg] teaches and studied with this book along the way. I found it a fun way to nail down this info, where a book may be dry the videos filled in and vice versa. You could do one or the other, but together made a fun few weeks thinking of plant intelligence.

An excellent first book to finish first in the new year.
Make sure to pick up the most recent version.