A review by lolaida
The Forever Girl by Rebecca Hamilton


I'm just gonna leave it at a "It was okay."

The characters' histories were arguably weak. Nobody really stood out to me as especially important even at the end. I didn't feel bad at the few deaths there were. The main character's past was kind of glossed over. We have little to no information on her mother who is spoken about many times throughout the book and her father seems to just have lived a pretty tragic life.

Onto the plot. What plot? Sophia is magical. She is a magical "forever girl". Whoa. And like many heroines she meets this guy and is immediately like "bruh, I got the bun. You got the hot dog if you know what I mean". No, but seriously. This is exactly how she is. There is no explanation for her immediate love of this guy except he's really hot. That's it. He wasn't even that nice when she first met him. I mean I like him. It's just that he was pretty bland at the beginning and I was just hoping that there would be some explanation for her ridiculous almost impossible attraction to him. I found myself praying he was a succubus. But nah. Just another supernatural creature. And with that, I suppose he became the plot somehow. To be honest, if this were written from his point of view, I feel it probably would have been more entertaining.

Anywho, I have decided against reading the second book just because I'm not intrigued enough to read it. I feel like this book ended on a somewhat good note. It has reached the "just good enough to not put down" but definitely not a favorite. The fact I got through it in three days (with other things going on in my life of course) does prove that it did have it's moments. Not only did it have it's moments but the writing style of Hamilton is superb in my opinion - kept me engrossed. Had she been working with a different plot and different characters, I'm sure she would have been an author to look out for on goodreads. But for now, I'm feeling that this book was simply "okay".