A review by anya_reading
The Door, by Magda Szabó


It took me much longer than I originally thought to finish this book. A lot happened in the last year - changing jobs again, moving again, and pandemic woes.

That being said, the sense of sorrow and anguish that falls upon the reader of this book is heavy, like a lead apron on the chest. That it took me so long to finish a relatively short book, I'd like to explain. It was not that this book wasn't eloquently translated, or that it was boring. The writing was utterly fantastic and gripping. I just felt so uncomfortable sometimes with the emotions this book made me feel, that I had to put it down until I felt strong enough to read it again. For a book to have that much power, it is remarkable indeed. I am wholly thankful that my Goodreads friend Jim recommended this book to me. It was every bit as memorable as he promised it was.