A review by moonwisher
Dangerous Creatures by Kami Garcia


I feel kind of bad even as I type this, but I was NOT impressed by Dangerous Creatures. In fact, 90% (or more) of the book was a complete and utter clusterfuck. I say that I feel bad, not because I expected much or because I feel guilty for my opinions, but because from the reviews I've seen, most people who read this at least enjoyed this book. No one really seemed to adore it, but it seems like it should be a solid 3/5 kinda book. But nope.

I usually don't like to write really long reviews for books I dislike (unless I'm particularly angered by them) so I won't ramble on. I would just like to say: I don't think the authors of this book really thought about actually planning anything in relation to this book. It's like they were more focused on just making all of the characters sound cool and badass, rather than bothering to explain any of their motivations. That was the real problem with the book. Every small thing that happened felt so disconnected from everything else, and Garcia/Stohl didn't bother to stop and make sure that the story would make sense to their readers. I don't know about anyone else, but when I read a book, I like to be invested in what happens to the characters. I want to know why they do something. I want to care about their feelings and hopes and fears and ambitions.

With this book, I was just frustrated. I don't remember much about the Caster Chronicles as I've only read the series once, but I remember loving it. So I can't imagine why this new spin-off pales so dramatically in comparison.