A review by beesandbooks
Immortal Hearts, by Ellen Schreiber


I have to say that was not how I saw the series ending! Of course, it makes sense in retrospect, but I really did think the whole thing would be drawn on a little longer. Of course, I'm sure that everyone could see Trevor being in love with Raven and trying to eventually interfere with her and Alexander coming. For a few books I actually thought maybe Raven and Alexander would break up and she'd have to pursue Trevor. There was even a moment in this book where I thought that might still be on the table.


I think the conclusion with Raven being turned was built up to and an expected end to the series but...all of those genuine concerns she and Alexander had about her being turned weren't resolved! Is she just going to go home and be like "hey mom and dad I'm a vampire now can't go to school tomorrow!" they won't believe her! They'll think it's a stunt to get out of school! It's going to take so much convincing for them to allow her to move to the Mansion (since her home isn't suitable for a vampire's sunlight protection needs), drop out of high school to be home schooled for a year by someone who's qualifications they don't know, and also deal with the fact that vampires exist and their daughter is now one! Waiting until college was just...the only way that turning Raven was going to make sense logistically. It almost feels like the author decided too late in an outlined plan of novels to cut the series down in length but knew that the series couldn't end without Raven becoming a vampire.