A review by liferhi_inspired
Personal Geography by Tamsen Parker


Warning: This book is part one of two that follows Cris and India's story, and it ends in a cliffhanger.

Personal Geography is a BDSM erotic story that is just enough to get your juices flowing, while also being tame enough for many people to enjoy. The relationship between Cris and India is off the charts sizzling, while also being tender and passionate.

This story is written from the first personal POV of India, and we get to experience as her heart and mind war with itself over Cris. India has a lot of history that she has to work through, and it a beautiful process to watch as she slowly transforms. And I can't forget Cris...he's a surfing god with the patience of a saint. While he might be firm as a Dom, he's also tender and perceptive when it comes to India's needs.

This story was fast paced and enthralling. I struggled to put this book down at the night and had to fore myself to sleep rather than read. The storyline was great and flowed smoothly, with a good mix of plot and smut. And while I'm not usually a fan of cliffhangers...this story went out with a bang!

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions*