A review by wannabekingpin
Antisocial: Online Extremists, Techno-Utopians, and the Hijacking of the American Conversation by Andrew Marantz


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About the Book: We think, hope, wish some things to be impossible, for society, humanity, to prove itself better. To not listen to extremists, exclusionists, bigots, to not elect certain politicians, to protest evil regimes or at least understand said regime is evil, and other injustices. But a spoonful of tar ruins a barrel of honey, it’s said. Takes so very little to slip and end up lost, in absolute disbelief of how could this possibly be our reality, how can hate be so very prominent, and how can one want a type of a person gone while still claiming they’ve got no hate in their hearts? How do you attach your identity to such a miniscule thing, that a discourse of the type having done bad – offends you, personally? Author does a great job showing it all, from the spark that ignites, to how it’s done, and to why it, sadly, works…

My Opinion: This is a great true horror book that everyone, not just Americans, should read. We too often think ourselves immune to hijacked conversations, discourse. Some even end up playing into the alt-right shit, all while claiming they just want this, or they just want that, freely standing alongside the worst scum humanity ever seen, just because… As you keep reading, you can feel the emotional exhaustion author descends into, and it’s so familiar. If we look around, where we stand, here and now, none of it is over. And if we’re not actively trying to help, provide better discourse, resources, then those fooled…