A review by gingerlaura
Becoming Kim Jong Un: A Former CIA Officer's Insights Into North Korea's Enigmatic Young Dictator by Jung H. Pak


I didn't particularly knew alot about North Korea before reading this, and after reading I don't feel like I've learned anything new either.

The book itself doesn't feel like a cohesive story. There are quite a few jumps in time in each chapter, the chapters talk about several subjects at once, some information gets repeated a few times in the book and the inconsistent use of first and last names doesn't really help to make this book a pleasant read either. The writing style is one that didn't appeal to me, as it didn't make me want to read more. It took effort to read, which takes down alot of the reading experience for me. On top of that this book didn't really taught me anything new, which felt like I wasted my time reading this.

All of this made it that the author failed to pull me into the story, and made me skim quite a bit of this book. I was quite relieved when I finally finished, which is never a good sign. I should probably have DNF'ed this instead of push through it, but DNFing book has never been something I'm good at, so here we are.