A review by coldlikeadqblizzard
Tomorrow, When the War Began by John Marsden


I LOVE these books. The Tomorrow books are one of the greatest collections of series I have ever read. Each installment is gripping and exciting, full of suspense, teamwork and kick-ass action. So much happens in this series - wars are waged, governments are changed, many characters grow up and tons of beloved characters lose their lives.

I can't even begin to understand how John Marsden is able to put himself in the mind of a 17-year old girl and write this series from the perspective of Ellie in a way that is so real. Every character in this entire series was so dynamic and well created that they all just came to life for me. One of the most spectacular things about this series is that there is almost constant fighting and conflict, but yet it's so character driven! Marsden does an amazing job at balancing character growth and ass kicking. AND THERE'S SO MUCH ASS KICKING. Ellie and her gang are so smart, strong and amazingly brave. I won't even pretend that I could survive the sort of post-apocalyptic situation that takes place in the Tomorrow series, but somehow the way these kids survive is not only heroically epic but also believable.

I straight fan-girl over Ellie and Homer by the end of this series. I recommend it to everyone. READ THESE.