A review by bookishnerdyandcurious
The Player by Claire Contreras


I received this in one of my subscription book boxes I get (maybe it was Dangerous Book Club?) and after having a great experience with one of Claire Contreras' books last year, I thought I'd give this a try. I mean, we know how I love a sports romance, so combine that with a kickass heroine and a former (well, former once he sees her) playboy soccer star who is determined to win her over... and I was all in. I loved the story, but I thought that it moved a bit slowly at times. While I appreciated knowing how the H and h felt and more of their backstories, I didn't need to know every feeling they had the moment they had it, which is what ultimately cost it a star. The fact that it moved slowly made it easy for me to put it down for weeks at a time, though the story stayed with me and I was never lost when I came back to it. Would I read more by this author? Absolutely.