A review by storiesofsilva
Rip it Up and Start Again by Simon Reynolds


It's a great, very descriptive book on the U.K. (and partially on the U.S.) post-punk/new pop/new wave scene from 1978-1984, and even reaching into other eras as well. I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about this time period of music, especially since post-punk has been a favorite sub-genre of rock of mine.

The only caveat with this book, like is the case for a lot of genre or era specific music books, is that if you're not genuinely interested in what you are reading about, or if your previous knowledge on the subject is limited, the book will come off as really boring and somewhat pretentious, as some sections did for me. Nonetheless, the book covered all of the bases, and Mr. Reynolds puts together one of the better music books I've read.