A review by joypouros
A Short History of Women by Kate Walbert


This was a disappointing read that didn't live up to its promise.

I didn't care for the writing style. I know some people do, but I don't like needing to concentrate on the act of reading in order to understand what's going on. Some call it lyrical, I find it pretentious.

And that's also how I found the book to be - pretentious. Perhaps I don't get it, but it seemed like the author was trying to ironically or sardonically capture each generation. We don't know enough about any character to really understand any of them, yet the author acts as though she's given us enough information. She seems to mock each character within her writing.

I presumed, based on the book blurb, that the generations were living with weight of the original Dorothy's legacy, but one generation was unaware of that legacy until later in life, and another generation seems nearly entirely unaffected. There is simply not much information, not much point, to anyone's story.