A review by darren0101
Murder and the Movies by David Thomson


Murder and the Movies is David Thomson's look at murder in movies (and occasionally television) and how viewers will have watched thousands of people being murdered on-screen and how that plays out in real life.
In an occasional philosophical book whereby the writer even touches on his own mortality, Thomson uses his encyclopaedic knowledge on films and television to enhance his point of how the casualness of murder has become acceptable. Also how as technology has progressed, we can see witness hundreds of people murdered in a single scene. With a book like this, there are things to agree with and disagree with. For instance, are the murders in Taxi Driver, a film Thomson uses in his book, more shocking than the destruction of Alderon in Star Wars. Or should the audience be given the credit to distinguish to the fantasy playing out on screen to real life?
David Thomson is a brilliant writer with an enviable knowledge of film, however, this didn't keep me enthralled as some of his other books.
This book was provided by NetGalley and the publisher for an honest review