A review by mmelibertine
Dead Iron by Devon Monk


Second reading! I really can't say enough about this 'verse, you guys. I often struggle with steampunk. I love the idea of it, but too often the story is secondary to the 'verse. That's not at all the case here. The characters take center stage, and man, they are vivid. I can't wait to see more of Rose Small. Time to go home and delve headfirst into the sequel!

(My first-reading review: I liked this book's fast paced, engaging plot, but I fell in love with its world. Monk has built a fascinating universe with a truly unique, well developed feel. Highly recommended for fans of engaging supernatural and/or steampunk fiction. Also c'mon it's STEAMPUNK WESTERN. Firefly and Cowboy Bebop fans, get on this.)