A review by rogue_runner
Perfect Daughter by Amanda Prowse


Ugh, this was baaaad. I am so glad my reading rate is high at the moment, because I don't think I could stand more than two days of reading this one.

Thinking this was going to be a light chick-flick, I was sorely mistaken. Although, the little blurb on the front didn't have me particularly caught in the first place... it reminded me of one of [a:Cecelia Ahern|7116|Cecelia Ahern|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1414058421p2/7116.jpg]'s books. Dull and dreary, this plodded along, barely raising any hope throughout its 300-odd pages. And this was supposed to be a mood-lifter?! It was anything but, dragging just as much as Jacks' life.
I think the conclusion is exactly what I would loathe in life. Ugh. Give me high flying adventure any day. Jacks herself, I started off trying to sympathise with, but come the middle of the book and she was going off the rails, it was very difficult to find anything redeeming about her, and it continued to the end of the book for me. I hated how very saintlike she tried to make herself, trying to justify her unpleasant actions through "But I'm so tired" or "the world is all against meeeeee". By the end it was just annoying.

I guess the themes would appeal to some, although as a World Book Night read, I think overall I am unimpressed. It reads slowly, without much to keep the reader going if you were to stop and think about it- it's just fairly miserable the whole way through. Not my choice, if I were picking the lineup.