A review by jessthebookworm
The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton


It is now official: I am a huge fan of this author. Both this book and the Forgotten Garden are amazing!

This book starts out with a teenager witnessing her mother committing murder on their doorstep. It is never spoken of again. Then it fast forwards decades into the future, where the girl is now grown up, and her mother is dying.

What follows is the daughter's quest to find out about her mother's past, and what led to the murder on that fateful day. The author jumps between 2011 and 1941, slowly but surely letting us into the mystery of Dorothy and Vivien, only letting the reader learn the truth bit by tantalising bit.

Just when you think that you have the whole story figured out, a bombshell is dropped, and nothing is quite as it seems.

I thoroughly enjoyed the plot, and I especially loved the characters in this story, which will stay with you for days afterwards, as you process all of the twists and turns in your mind.

Highly recommended for anyone who loves family dramas, love stories, and twists in the tale.