A review by pinkpanthress
The Seance: A Gothic Tale of Horror and Misfortune by Jack Rollins


I won this Book as a First Read in a Giveaway, which won't influence my reading experience or Review of it.

Attention - Might contain Minor Spoilers

Written in First-person narrative.

We have a Main Cast of 6 Characters.
The main protagonist Albert Kench, his sister Sally Kench. Miss Rachel Darby, a childhood friend of the siblings. A so called Viscount Alexander De Kroll. And last but not least Lord Aubrey Levi-Black & the one I shall not name.

At the beginning we find ourselves at Oakbridge Asylum. Albert Kench after having spend time overseas, Australia, finds himself in the Asylum to visit his unfortunate sister.
After this visit he meets with a childhood friend, Rachel, who tells Albert what had happened to Sally & how she came to her current state.

Unbelieving about Rachel's story yet mad with fury Albert wants to 'meet' with the mysterious Lord Levi-Black by sneaking into one of his shows which, according to Rachel, are hosted at the Priam Theatre at West End.
There Albert is met with his ultimate fate. Betrayal & the supernatural are just few of the things he will have to to live through in this gothic Novelette.

The story is fittingly written in style and language of that Era.

And although Albert Kench seems to be a bit of a naïve young man, he is a honest one at that, keen on helping his sister even if it means revenge.
He relies on his sister's friend Rachel to achieve this, by asking her out on every detail about how Sally came to need the special help of an Asylum. And through Rachel he comes to know about the mysterious Lord Aubrey Levi-Black and his special Mirror.

This novelette was refreshing. It had no need of gore & a lot of blood to be a good horror story.
I enjoyed reading it & despite of its end I was really satisfied with this one!