A review by ireadwhatuwrite
The Littlest Cowboy by Maggie Shayne


Sheriff Garrett Brand wakes up to a baby on his doorstep and note that says its his. Having raised his younger siblings on his own, he is no stranger to have young ones around the house, but this little one’s mama is in trouble.

Chelsea, grew up in home filled with violence. It is a past her sister hadn’t escaped. As Chelsea identifies her sister’s dead body, she once again is certain that she will never allow a man to have control over her life. She wants to find her sister’s son and make his father pay for what he has done.

I have a soft spot for rancher romances. Garrett Brand, of the Texas Brands, should be a cliche. He is a large, soft spoken, gentle man with a big heart, who has already proven himself a capable family man as he has raised his young siblings. In other words, too good to be true. Truthfully though, he isn’t. Instead he is the perfect hero for a story like this. He is just the right amount of swagger and confusion when dealing with the fairer sex. Chelsea should be a typical man-hating cynical heroine… wait, that is exactly what she is, though she comes around nicely in the end. Her character is a bit formulaic, but there is plenty of character in the Brand family. Each sibling is fascinating in his or her own way, and a story waiting to be told. The interaction between themselves and Garrett is heartwarming. It is obvious that little “Bubba” will have a place in that family if his aunt can get herself set straight The story itself was terrific. The great blend of cowboy, suspense and romance. I picked up this book as part of a set and I am looking forward to reading about the Oklahoma Brands. I actually have a few books from this author on #TBRList. She obviously can craft a story, she deserves a read for her Goodreads bio alone.